In The News
- "Long-Term-Care Insurance: What to Do Now", Bottom Line Personal, February 2025
- "Term insurance conversions", Bottom Line Personal, 7/1/23
- "Long-Term Care Insurance: The Pros, the Cons, and the Alternatives", Bottom Line Personal, 4/1/23
- Penelope Wang, "How to Choose the Right Amount of Life Insurance,", 7/13/21
- "Hybrid Life Insurance/Long-Term-Care (LTC) Policies," Bottom Line Personal, 5/15/21
- Ivan Suchkov, "How to Make Your Online Chinese Learning More Productive,", 8/14/2020
- Jane Bryant Quinn, How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide, Second Edition, 2020
- Darla Mercado, "Long-term care insurance costs are way up. How advisors can help clients cope,", 9/9/19
- Penelope Wang, "Why Indexed Annuities May Promise More Than They Deliver,", 9/2/19
- Richard Bedard, Daphne Zhang, "TIAA Says It Will Stop Issuing Life Insurance," Life Annuity Specialist, June 26, 2019
- Darla Mercado, "How advisors can recommend a life insurance policy in their client's best interest,", 6/18/19
- Beth Pinsker, "Millennials should shrug off annuities for now", Reuters, 6/17/19
- Margaret Price, "Retirement Income Planning Strategies Ease Money Fears," Investor's Business Daily, 4/1/19
- Ben Mattlin, "Universal Life Insurance: Past Its Prime?", Financial Advisor, December 2018
- Darla Mercado, "This source of tax-free cash can sweeten or ruin your retirement,", 8/19/18
- Penelope Wang, "How to Choose the Right Amount of Life Insurance,", 3/30/18
- Eleanor Laise, "Retirees, Schedule An Insurance Audit," Kiplinger's Retirement Report, September 2017
- Mark Miller, "Life Insurance In Retirement: Who Needs It?",, 2/23/17
- Beth Pinsker, "Whom to trust when buying an annuity?", Reuters, 2/22/17
- Ben Mattlin, "Mixed Blessings for Annuities," Financial Advisor, May 2016
- Jane Bryant Quinn, How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide, Simon & Schuster, 2016
- Aubrey Cohen, "Life Insurance Agents and Commissions: What You Should Know," NerdWallet 9/9/15
- Eleanor Laise, "Life Settlements Can Be a Big Risk," Kiplinger's Retirement Report, July 2015
- Aubrey Cohen, "Why Life Insurance Experts Love TIAA-CREF," NerdWallet, 6/4/15
- Aubrey Cohen, "Cash Value Life Insurance Is Useful...for Some," NerdWallet, 5/6/15
- "The whole truth about whole life," Consumer Reports Money Adviser, February 2015
- Ron Lieber, "Slippery Tips on Annuities From a Life Coach," The New York Times, 1/17/15
- Ben Mattlin, "Income Quest," Financial Advisor, January 2015
- Susan B. Garland, "Life Insurance At Risk of Lapsing," Kiplinger's Retirement Report, October 2014
- Ben Mattlin, "Is The Party Growing Old For VUL?", Financial Advisor, October 2014
- Bruce W. Fraser, "New Combo Policies Offer Long-Term Care Option," Financial Planning, July 2014
- AnnaMaria Andriotis, "Insuring a College Education," The Wall Street Journal, 4/25/14
- Leslie Scism, "The Great Life-Insurance Temptation," The Wall Street Journal, 4/5/14
- Daniel Solin, "Which is Better For You: Term or Permanent Life Insurance?", U.S. News & World Report, 2/26/14
- Jay MacDonald, "How much life insurance should you buy?",, 1/27/2014
- Stephanie AuWerter, "When is it worth buying a variable universal life policy?", Money, October 2013
- Jay MacDonald, "Do you need a fee-only insurance consultant,", 3/13/13
- Carolyn T. Geer, "Turning Insurance Into an Investment," The Wall Street Journal, 3/3/13
- Kim Clark, "College Aid: Don't Take the Bait," Money, January/February 2013
- Gil Weinreich, "Warning on VAs to Advisors: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid," AdvisorOne, 12/10/12
- Ellen E. Schultz, "Insurance Can Cut Your Taxes," The Wall Street Journal, 12/1/12
- Leslie Scism and Joe Light, "Draining Away!", The Wall Street Journal, 11/17/12
- Joseph M. Belth, "From the Mailbag," The Insurance Forum, November 2012
- Glenn S. Daily, "Understanding Life Insurance Is Harder Than Ever," Exposure & Information: Davis Library Newsletter, October 2012
- Pam Black, "Is There an Annuity-Life Insurance Arb Opportunity," RIJ Advisor, 8/13/12
- Zachary Tracer and Margaret Collins, "Hartford Mulls Client Buyouts to Cut Risk Buffett Called Ungodly," Bloomberg News, 8/10/12
- Phyllis Furman, "Some types of insurance just aren't worth the money: Consumer Reports," New York Daily News, 4/23/12
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "Questioning Life Insurance," AARP Bulletin, April 2012
- Aaron Crowe, "Smokeout: How much life insurance your cigarette money could buy,", 11/15/11
- Daisy Maxey, "Volatility Puts Focus on Laddered Annuities," Dow Jones NewsWires, 10/18/11
- Jessica Silver-Greenberg, "Don't Buy Too Much Insurance!", The Wall Street Journal, 10/8/11
- "5 Common Mistakes People Make with Their Money," Reader's Digest, September 2011
- "How to ditch a bad annuity," Consumer Reports Money Adviser, July 2011
- Margaret Collins, "Income for Life? Sure, But What Does It Cost?", Bloomberg Businessweek, 6/27/11
- Carla Fried, "Fix Your 5 Biggest Money Mistakes," Money, June 2011
- Margaret Collins, "Lifetime-Income Promise Fuels Surge in Variable Annuity Sales,, 6/1/11
- Michael Kitces, "The Policy Review: Ensuring Clients Don't Outlive Their Life Insurance (Part 2), The Kitces Report, March 2011
- Daisy Maxey, "A Smarter Way to Buy Insurance?", The Wall Street Journal, 3/14/11
- Liz Weston, "Sell your life to a stranger?", MSN Money, 2/18/11
- Zeke Faux and Margaret Collins, "Indexed Annuities Cap Gains, Obscure Fees as Sellers Earn Trip to Disney,", 1/20/11
- "Earn 5% tax-free," Bottom Line Personal, 1/15/11
- Constance Gustke, "5 tips for selling your life insurance,", 1/11/11
- Lavonne Kuykendall, "Why Annuity Swaps Often Backfire," The Wall Street Journal, 11/1/10
- Bill Carlino, "Life Settlements Stage a Comeback," Financial Planning, October 2010
- Walter Updegrave, "I'm worried my insurer is going out of business. Should I cash out of my universal life policy?", Money, September 2010
- Alexis Leondis, "MassMutual Skips Retained Accounts, Cuts Beneficiaries a Check,, 8/6/10
- "Glenn Daily on Buying Annuities and Why It Might Make Sense to Wait,", 4/1/10
- Linda Stern, "5 things to know about permanent insurance,", 3/16/10
- "Buying an annuity?", Bottom Line Personal, 2/15/10
- Margaret Collins, "Insurers Test Market as Obama Opens Annuity Door for 401(k)s,", 2/9/10
- Stephanie Auwerter, "Whole Life Loans," SmartMoney, January 2010
- "Don't Make the Mistake I Did: America's Money Masters Share Their Biggest Goofs," Bottom Line Personal, 10/15/09
- William P. Barrett, "Death Squads," Forbes, 10/5/09
- William Baldwin, "Seeking Financial Nirvana," Forbes, 10/5/09
- Brett Arends, "Your Money or Your Life?", The Wall Street Journal, 10/2/09
- Raymond Fazzi, "VUL Slides With Market," Financial Advisor, June 2009
- Lynn Brenner, "When Life Insurance Becomes a Liability," The New York Times, 5/21/09
- Kimberly Lankford, "When to Bail on Your Insurer," Kiplinger's Personal Finance, June 2009
- M.P. McQueen, "Fusty Insurance Lures Buyers Seeking Safety," The Wall Street Journal, 3/25/09
- Mary Rowland, "Getting The Most From No-Lapse Coverage," Financial Advisor, January 2009
- Mary Rowland, "Lasting Legacy?", Financial Advisor, December 2008
- Mary Beth Franklin, "Need Cash? Where to Find It Fast," Kiplinger's Personal Finance, December 2008
- Special Investor Protection Guide, Bottom Line/Wealth, December 2008
- Jeff Plungis, "In Market Turmoil, Check Insurer's 'Financial Strength' Rating," Bloomberg News, 11/5/08
- Amy Scott, "Ensuring your insurance's safety," Marketplace Money, 10/17/08
- Eric L. Reiner, "Facing Facts," Private Wealth, October/November 2008
- Ron Lieber and Tara Siegel Bernard, "Wall Street and You: Sorting Out the Changes in the Financial World," The New York Times, 9/16/08
- Donald Jay Korn, "You Bet Your Life," Financial Planning, August 2008
- Kimberly Lankford, "New Ways to Cash In on Life Insurance," Kiplinger's Retirement Report, July 2008
- Kimberly Lankford, "Cash In On Your Life," Kiplinger's Personal Finance, July 2008
- Mary Rowland, "The Right Blend," Financial Advisor, April 2008
- Eric Rasmussen, "Is the Price Right?", Private Wealth, February/March 2008
- "Immediate annuity sales are up," Bottom Line Personal, 2/1/08
- Mary Rowland, "Where the Oceans of Knowledge Meet," Financial Advisor, January 2008
- William Reichenstein and Larry Swedroe, "If It Has to Be Sold, Don't Buy It!", AAII Journal, November 2007
- Andrew Gluck, "Eight Leading Innovators," Financial Advisor, November 2007
- "When you've done something dumb," Consumer Reports Money Adviser, November 2007
- Matt Brady, "Could expanded policy loans compete with life settlements?" Settlement Watch, October 2007
- Lynn Brenner, "Questions on a 'life settlement'," Newsday, 9/16/07
- Lynn Brenner, "'Life settlement' is a risky deal," Newsday, 9/9/07
- Phyllis Furman, "Who's cashing in your chips?", New York Daily News, 7/30/07
- Matt Brady, "Why evaluating a policy is important in the pre-sale settlement process," Settlement Watch, June 2007
- Scott Burns, "Sales Commissions versus Reality,", 6/3/07
- Mary Rowland, "What's It Worth?", Financial Advisor, June 2007
- Janet Kidd Stewart, "Annuity improves retirement portfolio, study finds," Chicago Tribune, 4/22/07
- Tom Lauricella, "Putting Your Life Insurance On the Block," The Wall Street Journal Sunday, 3/25/07
- Gary S. Mogel, "Innovative policy targets wealthy clients," InvestmentNews, 3/5/07
- Nancy Opiela, "Variable Annuities: Emerging from the Dark Side?", Journal of Financial Planning, March 2007
- Karen Damato, "Ever Cheaper: Getting a Deal on Your Term Life Insurance," The Wall Street Journal, 2/21/07
- Jeff D. Opdyke, "Smart Retirement Shopping," The Wall Street Journal, 1/13/07
- Judith Messina, "Independent workers come of age," Crain's New York Business, 1/1/07
- Nancy Opiela, "Forget the conventional wisdom: Insurance planning is every advisor's business," Wealth Manager, December 2006
- Tom Lauricella, "Annuities - Buying a Guaranteed Income," The Wall Street Journal Sunday, 11/26/06
- Lynn O'Shaughnessy, "Selling a cash-value life insurance policy? Better be extra careful," San Diego Union-Tribune, 11/12/2006
- Mary Rowland, "The Future Is Immediate Annuities," Financial Advisor, November 2006
- Kelly Greene, "Ask Encore," The Wall Street Journal, 10/28/06
- "Paying too much for life insurance?", Consumer Reports MoneyAdviser, October 2006
- "Don't rush to buy a variable annuity," Bottom Line Personal, 8/15/06
- Mary Rowland, "Unsettled," Financial Advisor, August 2006
- Gary S. Mogel, "Coughing up smoker's rates for children," InvestmentNews, 5/29/06
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "A Guarantee? It'll Cost You," Newsweek, 5/8/06
- Marshall Loeb, "The New Math of Life Insurance,", 4/14/06
- William Baldwin, "Making Life Complicated," Forbes, April 24, 2006
- Lore Croghan, "Insuring child's life has its foes," New York Daily News, 3/13/06
- Lynn O'Shaughnessy, "Funny Business," Wealth Manager, December 2005/January 2006
- Jeff D. Opdyke, "Insurers Push Policies For Long-Term Care," The Wall Street Journal, 12/27/05
- "How safe is your money?", Consumer Reports MoneyAdviser, November 2005
- Reshma Kapadia, "Watch Your Wallet," SmartMoney, November 2005
- Gary S. Mogel, "Return-of-premium riders seen boosting term life insurance," InvestmentNews, 10/3/05
- Lynn Brenner, "Costly annuity info withheld," New York Newsday, 8/14/05
- Jeff D. Opdyke, "Under Pressures, Insurers Push Rules on Annuity-Sales Tactics," The Wall Street Journal, 8/11/05
- Gary S. Mogel, "Advice to advisers: Don't give away insurance business," InvestmentNews, 8/8/05
- Marshall Loeb, "Your best bets for life insurance,", 4/1/05
- "Life insurance buyers should demand more information from agents," Bottom Line Personal, 4/1/05
- Lynn O'Shaughnessy, "A sure thing? Better to avoid those equity index annuities," San Diego Union-Tribune, 3/20/05
- "Life insurance paid in installments rather than annually can cost more," Bottom Line Personal, 1/15/05
- Nancy Opiela, "Planners and Clients Try to Weather the Changing Tax Laws," Journal of Financial Planning, December 2004
- Gary S. Mogel, "Blended policies may create coverage-commission conflict," InvestmentNews, 12/6/04
- Christopher Oster, "Life Insurance Agent Fees May Cost Consumers," The Wall Street Journal, 11/23/04
- Janice Revell, "Land of the Fee," Fortune, 10/18/04
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "One Faulty Investment," Newsweek, 8/30/04
- Carla Fried, "The Rising Appeal (and Falling Cost) of Term Insurance," New York Times, 8/29/04
- "Scamming seniors," CBS MarketWatch, 7/18/04
- Dan Jamieson, "The Seamy Side of Insurance," On Wall Street, July 2004
- Jane J. Kim, "Rising Rates Trigger Change in Annuity Offers," The Wall Street Journal, 6/15/04
- "Latest target of securities regulators: Variable annuities," Bottom Line Personal, 6/1/04
- "Your Money" hosted by Ali Velshi, CNNfn, April 28, 2004
- Mary Rowland, "Buyer Beware," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, February 2004
- "Life insurance rates are likely to come down," Bottom Line Personal, 12/15/03
- Anuradha Raghunathan, "Annuities attract many, but choices are complex," Dallas Morning News, 11/16/03
- Anuradha Raghunathan, "Need life insurance? Be sure to know your options," Dallas Morning News, 10/19/03
- "New term life insurance that promises to eventually return your premium sounds better than it is," Bottom Line Personal, 10/1/03
- Carol R. Pincus, "How to save on life insurance," Medical Economics, 9/19/03
- Lynn Brenner, "Best Face Forward," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, September 2003
- Kaja Whitehouse, "Insurance Advice Without the Pitch," The Wall Street Journal, 7/16/03, p. D2
- Karen Damato, "Ask Encore," The Wall Street Journal, 6/9/03, p. R3
- Donald Jay Korn, "Inside Job," Financial Planning, June 2003
- "Institute's Advisory Board Examines Cash Value Versus Term Life Insurance," Quarterly, TIAA-CREF Institute, Spring 2003
- Karen Damato, "Lifetime Annuity Payments Shrink," The Wall Street Journal, 4/7/03
- Kimberly Lankford, "Caught Short," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, April 2003
- Carolyn Geer, "Life Lessons," Bloomberg Personal Finance, February 2003
- Christopher Oster, "Is a Fixed Annuity Right for Your Investment?", The Wall Street Journal Sunday, 1/5/03
- Matthew Lubanko, "Investment Pitches That Raise Red Flags," Hartford Courant, 12/22/02
- Karen Damato, "How Annuity Holders Can Pull a Switcheroo," The Wall Street Journal, 12/6/02
- Lynn O'Shaughnessy, "Annuities Bounce Back," AARP Bulletin, December 2002
- "New sales gimmick for whole-life insurance," Bottom Line Personal, 11/15/02
- Julia Boorstin, "Locking In Yield for Retirement," Fortune, 11/11/02
- Kimberly Lankford, "Damage Control," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, November 2002
- "Ten-year term life insurance is still the best choice for most people," Bottom Line Personal, 11/1/02
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "Insurance: When You Bet Your Life," Newsweek, 10/21/02
- Kristen Rosen, "Annuities and the Fee-Based Adviser," Ticker, October 2002
- Christopher Oster, "Is Your Life Insurance Too Risky?", The Wall Street Journal, 9/18/02
- Joseph B. Treaster, "Term Insurance Turns Long Term," New York Times, 8/4/02
- Diane Harris, "A Parent's Guide to Life Insurance," Parenting, August 2002
- Ann Monroe, "You Should Live So Long," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, June 2002
- Carrie Coolidge, "Life Savers," Forbes, 6/10/02
- Kimberly Lankford, "High Time for Low Load?", Bloomberg Wealth Manager, April 2002
- Mary Rowland, "Life's Trade-Ins," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, February 2002
- "To save on life insurance, ask your agent about blending," Bottom Line Personal, 2/1/02
- Jeff D. Opdyke, "Term-Life Insurance Looks Even Better After Sept. 11," The Wall Street Journal, 12/6/01
- Carrie Coolidge, "Guaranteed Worries," Forbes, 12/10/01
- Penelope Wang, "Are You Covered?", Money, November 2001
- Mimi Lord, "Harvesting Tax Losses With 1035 Exchanges," Financial Advisor, November 2001
- Gregory Taggart, "Wait & Seek," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, November 2001
- Matthew Lubanko, "Frankly, Most Should Shun Cash-Value Life Insurance," Hartford Courant, 10/28/01
- Michael Fritz, "Investors fixed on annuities," InvestmentNews, 10/1/01
- Michael Fritz, "MassMutual still under pressure to go public," InvestmentNews, 9/10/01
- "Insurance Buyers Beware," Bottom Line Personal, 7/1/01, p. 10
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "On estates, tax law keeps us guessing for years," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/28/01
- Bottom Line Personal, 6/15/01, p. 16
- Mimi Lord, "A Silver Lining to Insurance Losses,", 5/16/01
- Kimberly Lankford, "Guaranteed Thrills," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, May 2001
- Lynn Brenner, "Pet Peeves With the IRS," Bloomberg Wealth Manager, March 2001
- Susan Harrington Preston, "Is a variable annuity right for you?", Medical Economics, 2/19/01
- Jane Bryant Quinn, "Put Myths About 'Death Tax' to Rest," The Washington Post, 2/4/01
- Marshall Loeb, 52 Weeks to Financial Fitness, 2001,
- Sara Hansard, "Agents could get rung up over dial-downs," InvestmentNews, 1/15/01
- Marshall Loeb, 52 Weeks to Financial Success, 2001